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> Putty paste
303 Extra Fine Putty Paste
Clean Odor Putty Paste ismade from specially selected natural ingredients.
It is produced by our advanced “clean odor” technology and underwent mixing process. It is non-toxin to human body and is safe and environmental friendly.
The product has great bonding capability and adheres firmly to the wall surface.
It provides anti-chalking effect and is a high quality leveling agent.
Technical standard:JC/T298-2010 (Putty for Indoor Use)(Type Y)
Environmentalstandard: GB 18582-2008
*Packing style, please prevail in kind!
1. This is afinished product and is ready to be used upon unpacking. Please do not addother fillings.
2. Bases shouldbe sturdy, clean, and free of dust and grease and should have moisture level ofless than 10%. Please allow 4 hours between each application.
3. Eachapplication should have a thickness of between 0.5-2mm. If the thickness isgreater than 2mm, 2 applications are required. If the application is too thick,the coating might experience shrinkage or cracking.
4.Each square meter of arearequires 1 KG of product (2 applications). Actual usage is dependent on the levelnessof the wall surface.
The temperature of workingenvironment should not be lower than 5℃
Store in shady, ventilated, dry environment and should be stored in temperature of 5-40℃; Goodfor 10 months if kept in normal environment.