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> Putty paste
Extra White Putty Paste
303Extra White Lubrication Paste is made from extra white filling and can enhancethe covering of the latex paint. It has strong bonding agents and has a solidsurface, which can enhance the leveling of latex paint and reduce the amount oflatex usage. It is a high quality leveling material. It is ready to use andworks very well, which can increase the efficiency of the workers.
Technical Standards: JC/T298-2010 (Putty Powder for indoor use)
Environmental Standards: GB18582-2008 (the amount of toxics allowed in the paint used in interiorremodeling)
*Packing style, please prevail in kind!
Theproduct is solid and ready to use upon unpacking. Please do not add any otheradditives. Foundation must be solid, leveled, free of dust or oil. Watercontent must be lower than 10%. Time between each application must exceed 4hours. Thickness of single application should be between 0.5-2mm. Please applya separate layer if each layer is greater than 2mm thick, which may causeshrinkage and crack. 1-1.5 kg (twice) is required for every 1 square meter ofsurface. Adjust usage according to the levelness of the wall surface.
Please store in cool, dry, ventilated environment away from the direct sunlight and water. Store in temperature between 5-40℃. Good for 10 months if kept in above condition. This product is non-toxin and is an environmental friendly construction material. Categorized as non-hazardous during transportation
The temperature of construction environment should be greater than 5℃